Sunday, August 30, 2009


Anyone who knows me knows that I love Chloe Sevigny. It stemmed after watching her in Kids and then Gummo and then Boys Don't Cry and then I found out that she's friends with Lesley Arfin, my favorite writer next to Hemingway and JD Salinger.
This season, Chloe debuted her second collection with Opening Ceremony. The concept behind the collection is menswear made to fit women, it's like a his and hers thing. Chloe babe, you know I heart you, but I'd have to admit, with the exception of the leopard print cardigan Lissy Trullie is sporting and the gladiator shoes, I'm not too crazy about your Fall 09 collection for Opening Ceremony. Looks to me like a confused collection, to tell you the truth.


  1. It does seem a little confused. Altough I like the black high-waist shorts, but of course only long legs like chloe's can pull that off perfectly.. boohoo
    leopard print cardigan rawr
    remember this from the shoot?,1,0,0

  2. i totally remember! i'll be posting photos from that shoot soon!
